Me [32M] with my friend [33 F] 8 months, trying to get over feelings of entitlement

When you say stuff like "finally found someone on our level" it really sounds like another manifestation of the ego. But giving you the benefit of the doubt I won't assume you meant it that way.

It doesn't really make sense that she would want you to project a more positive energy, after doing things like trying to force herself to open up because she felt you deserved it.

If you guys are truly on this crazy level with a crazy strong connection don't you think that she would be more self-aware of her body language and how it might be interpreted? I mean since you have such a strong connection with each other she should be aware of that right? Whether it is normal affection or not it seems like a mixed signal, and she should at least be aware enough to not rock that boat. From what you describe about her behavior and pushing her to open up, it sounds like she is playing hard to get, intentionally or not. She won't give you what she want, then she eventually does... this habit is not good because it only enforces your "sense of entitlement" because you are conditioned to believe she will eventually cave on things she says no to initially.

It's perfectly logical based on what you described for you to be angry and frustrated, you are receiving mixed signals.

If you want her to stop feeding the beast, you need to stop doing things like trying to force her to open up about things, because when she finally does after a few days it just further builds upon the pattern.

It's good that she is aware that she has to consider her words (and ultimately her actions in general). I don't understand why she should be sad about it though, if you two have such a great connection she should be able to understand what kind of energy you are putting out and how her energy will be received and it should be pretty easy on instinct to know how to best interact no?

It would be hard to back away in your position because of all the mixed signals... but kudos if you can overcome your perceived desires and the signals and step back for a while.

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