maybe a solution to the awp change.

You're pretty much retarded and your understanding of the game is on the level of a 3k baboon, basically what I'd expect from this board. If you do not understand why statistically there aren't many more comebacks in pro games (I mean I hope this is what you were addressing) that is enough for me. Like you have no fucking idea about how drafting process works or how "mistakes" impact a game or how the game has shifted multiple times from end game meta to early/push meta. And how is it not the fucking same when couple small mistakes or even RNG, considering we're talking CS GO pistol rounds here, can cause you to lose 2 pistol rounds that suddenly rack up to 6 rounds. If that's not snowball I don't know what the fuck is. Except now in GO it's not guaranteed at all. Just like in your mind making a single mistake is equal to 3 mistakes in lategame, whatever the fuck that even means.

I didn't even say the change is horrendous, I said it's not the Dota I and many others played and just rofl at the delusions or conservative people. Obviously competitive scene won't die you dumb fucking monkey if people pump money into it and the game's constantly becoming more... accessible through these changes (and plethora of other good, and some questionable stuff Valve has added to the game) causing even more people get interested in it. And yeah I don't play the game because I decided not so long ago that I don't enjoy the game anymore because the constant changes that are taking the game in the direction I don't like, not a single change like you imply.

I actually don't know why I even typed this out, usually I just ignore dumbfucks that spend their days theorycrafting on this terribad ridden shithole but I guess you just pushed my buttons enough, congratulations on that.

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