Many patriotic Americans fear and dislike the Federal Government. However the Federal Government is the only thing keeping them American.

The things that I identify with as an American are completely different from the monetarily fueled ideals of the federal government.

The government doesn't make the people; the people make the government. We should all pay attention to who we choose to represent us more so than who we choose as a figure head.

The elections of our representatives are far more important than the presidential election, yet we don't give near as much thought to our vote for reps as we do for the pres.

IMO this is why we are losing (already lost) most of our rights as citizens of the USA. We let the corrupt and money hungry control what bills get turned into law, only forwarding their own agendas, rather than having any real concern for the people who once made this country great.

The powers that be have a much greater attention span than the average citizen, and are far more patient when it comes to getting what they want.... Often taking small steps over decades/generations to accomplish their objectives.

Ultimately garnering the complacency of the population. Because the generation that is born into the new rules and laws will see all of it as just a fact of life.

20 years ago the "patriot act" would have seemed completely ludicrous, but we accept it now as a " safety measure" against invisible boogey-men. The next generation will accept it as the norm, and probably allow for another slab to be cut away from the rights we were given at the conception of this great country.

Fortunately, our forefathers gave us a bare bones government that we could mold into greatness. Unfortunately, that same potential for greatness we were given can be molded into something more sinister just as easily...and we are allowing it (often unknowingly, simply from inaction/complacency).

I could go on and on but I will stop there. Sorry for the rant.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread