Man pulls a gun on two teenagers after a road rage incident.

I'm not trying to make up for any judgment. Nor am I assuming it was malicious. It could've easily been accidental. But that doesn't mean the dude won't get blisteringly angry at it, or assume it wasn't. It's like the idea of driving, where you can do something because you need to get somewhere quickly or something along those lines. But if someone did it to you, you'd be pissed. People don't think rationally in those situations.

And the guy did not have a weapon during the fight, the fight was over and the two people walked away. He didn't have a weapon until his wife gave it to him. If he did have it during the fight, those two would've been gone. And as I said above, I would also help my friend in those situations. But this is not one of those situations. And the guy was definitely not bigger than either, unless you count his stomach. The two were more fit and taller. And I'm not saying they shouldn't have fought back. I'm saying that it didn't require two of them for one old, fat 40 year old man.

And yes, he is a colossal idiot. I have said this. That doesn't mean that they can't be idiots. They could've been idiots while drivings which is what caused the guy to go irrational and road rage. I'm not saying he's not an idiot. All I'm saying is that the friend didn't need to join in, and it was cowardly initially. If he pulled the weapon during the fight, I would understand. But there was no need to tag team such an easily won fight that early.

I understand what you're saying. The guy caused this himself. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I just don't think the friend should've joined in. Rather, he should've called the police and said the guy was being aggressive and had a gun. Or helped hold the guy down after the fight was over and wait for police to get there. Not just tag team the dude and then leave the scene after, they should've waited there responsibly so they could've got a crazy guy off the street. But all they did was beat the dude up and walk away with a won fight, which allowed the dude to go even more ballistic and pull a gun.

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