Magically disappearing blood

The only way to get them to slow down and be more accountable is to follow whatever quality documentation process y’all have every time it happens and get others on the verge of rampage to do the same. Especially with physicians and nurses in the mix; several departments making the same complaints repeatedly will be taken more seriously faster.

The processors scan tubes to receive them. Whoever looks into your and other’s reports will be able to see who received the tubes that don’t go missing from those patients, and know who handled those bags. If it’s the same processor or two, there you go. Mystery solved and the ones repeating mistakes can be dealt with.

If it’s like my lab used to be and they all use each other’s workstations to receive or finish each other’s specimens, your reports will highlight exactly why that doesn’t work and they’ll have to crack down on individual logins/initialing pour offs/whatever it takes so that the paper trail is clear. Management will want that once the problem is identified; just think how bad it would be if there’s a mispour and a patient is seriously harmed and no way to track who was responsible?

The processors who aren’t doing it will also want that change because they won’t want to get blamed for something on their login that they didn’t mess up. But hopefully they’re not like my lab used to be and it’s an easy investigation.

/r/medlabprofessionals Thread