lost in the sauce: naked deviant gets jiu jitsu’d

I don't get why they're down voting you. They didn't lab test it yet you're wrong for disagreeing. I've taken acid many times with loads of friends and this shit has never happened and I know tons of people who've had really bad trips were they're crying and running, freaking ouit but once you ask what did you take or calm down we're friends, you're just tripping, it usually calms them down. So he's not wrong that there are chemicals sold as lsd becos there are! That's a fact! Most of the lsd you get is not pure lsd and there's no way to know unless you get it lab tested before taking it. It can also be true that some people have depression, mental illness like schizophrenia or bi polar or something they didn't realise they had and it can make them have the worst trips like this. But it's not just mental illness alone that can cause this. Honesty I think you have to know you don't do well on certain drugs, like shrooms makes me super paranoid and I had a really bad trip last time I did it so chances are I won't be doing them for a while and if I do and I act like this guy then I had my warning already.

/r/tooktoomuch Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it