I lost my fiance and my job, I just turned 25 and thinking of ending it all today. My birthday.

Most of the obstacles before you seem insurmountable because you've never had to face them before. Slow down and try not to focus on all the negative aspects. It's gonna take a lot of work to get out of debt, but there's no reason you can't have a life and be happy as you do it.

You'd probably owe even more if you finished your degree, and so many people are getting degrees that never help their careers. That'd be pretty damn frustrating in itself. Losing your income right now doesn't help, but a temp job is... temporary. Find something else, and hopefully it pays better and brings more opportunities your way. It's extremely common for people to move back in with their parents these days, so that just makes you normal. I'm glad you have a good relationship with them and they can support you when you need it.

Everyone tries to grow up so damn fast. They've got their whole lives planned out before they even know who they are and they measure their progress against improbable goals. You probably see others your age getting married, getting mortgages, having kids, etc. Good for them and I wish them well, but many are already in over their heads and it'll be much worse for them when it all comes crashing down. I've seen it happen with my friends, my siblings, even myself. Some day you'll be glad it never got that far with someone that didn't treat you properly. Stay close to those you love. Give it time and it'll get better.

I'm not a great example and I know plenty of others that experienced much worse, but I'm trying to relate so bear with me. I was in a relationship for 8 years that ended in a divorce. Fortunately, we never had any children but it was emotionally devastating. I also took on a lot of debt in the process which took years to recover from without destroying my credit. I'm 32 now, still single and alone because I didn't want to meet anyone for a long time. I've been barely content for years but now I want to be happy again. I am finally starting to make some friends and eventually I hope to meet someone I will love again. This isn't the life I wanted but it's my life and I'll be damned if I don't try to make the best of it. I'm looking forward to my future now. I may get hurt again and again, but I believe it's worth it in the end. It really helps me to remember my parents. They were both divorced and met each other later on. My father is 40 years older than me and they've been married about 35 years now with 4 children. I know they went through a lot of pain before getting back up and moving forward, but they wouldn't ever want to change how it turned out in the end.

P.S. I like your name! ;)

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