Looking for a Mjolnir Build that doesn require Volls devotion

Hi. I farmed 78 maps and normal Atziri with this setup last league.

Two things are very important:

  • In 99.5% of all cases, your defense is NOT running away from stuff, but leap slam/flicker strike on the strongest monster you see and start molten striking it or cyclone right into the middle of a pack.

  • You will have 2 or 3 flasks with surgeon mod (+1 charge when you crit). They recharge extremely fast, allowing permanent uptime as long as you hit something. This means you should activate the armour flask every time when you jump into a pack of monsters. Plus as soon as you see your hp drop under 90%, use the eternal life flask. Ill list all useful flasks below with the other items.

Core items:

Unique: Mjölner, Romira's Banquet Ring, Saffel's Frame Shield for Atziri fight.

For all other slots there are no must-have uniques, popular stuff: Rathpit Globe shield, Doryani's lightning belt, curse on hit gloves. Devoto's helm is nice if you feel you got enough hitpoints (5k+?).

Rest just Rares with as much hp/armour(eva if using IR) as possible while capping resists. Attack speed on gloves/rings is a nice bonus but secondary. I usually use a rare ES shield with 80+ hp and high spellcrit, spelldmg/resists if rich or good deal on poe.trade. Block% and EShield is unimportant. Amulet should deliver massive amounts of attributes, like 60-80 int, 40+ str and high life, spelldmg/resists are a bonus. Second Ring probably for hp and resists, attributes if possible. 5-6k hp is probably a good idea right now for 77+ maps.

Flasks: -Granite with +1 charge on crit and %increased armour (surgeons granite of iron skin) -Eternal Life with +1 on crit and remove bleeding (surgeons eternal life of staunching)

those 2 are kinda standard to survive big phys dmg and corrupting blood. Rest depends on your style. For random maps i use:

-Quicksilver with +1 on crit and unfreeze -Atziri flask with 15% ele dmg, phys doesnt matter -Divine Life Flask with instant recovery and remove bleed

vs high light dmg like torture chamber boss: topaz with +1 on crit and immune to shock vs high cold dmg like graveyard merveil: sapphire with +1 on crit and immune to freeze vs high fire dmg: ruby with +1 on crit and remove burning or remove curse

in 2.0 its also a good idea to have an amethyst flask rolled with surgeon, some of the new bosses do retarded amounts of chaos dmg and atziri flask has limited charges.


Da Hammer: Discharge-Lifeleech-(increased aoe or item rarity for easy maps, lightning penetration, crit chance or concentrated effect vs high resist/hard mobs. Crit chance is ok if the surgeon flasks dont charge fast enough. Arc sucks now imo, wouldnt use it anymore.)

5l Armour (Single target destruction): Blood Magic- lvl1 Molten Strike-Faster Attacks-Multistrike-GMP (6th link can be Fortify, LMP or Life Gain on Hit. If phys dmg is a big problem you can also use Fortify instead of Faster Attacks in the 5l.)

4l (Leap for movement, Cyclone for trash packs): Blood Magic-Faster Attacks-Cyclone-Leap Slam

Its really worth to run 2 different attacks for packs/single target from my exp. 2link cyclone is usually faster vs weak stuff with halfway decent gear while molten strike is simply the best vs one target.

Auras: I ran Grace+Haste or Ice Light Heralds with the node "Iron Reflexes" in the skilltree for 70%+ phys reduction combined with the armour flask. Purities should stay in Hardcore, we can use flasks and Saffel's for 88-92% max res if ever needed outside Atziri.

Golem: Fire or Chaos, can link with lvl 20 CwDT if too lazy to recast :D

Utility: Unsupported flicker strike can be cool to jump right on a rare/exile/boss and start molten striking it for maximum punishment.

Bandits: 40hp or point - 8% Attack speed usually or point - Power Charge

Skilltree: 150%+ max Life, +2 power charges, %armour, %evasion if using Iron Reflexes, spell/ele/lightning dmg, spellcrit, attack speed, attributes if needed (+30 int/dex/str nodes), more hp/dmg if nothing else to spend points on. No melee/general crit chance! I can try to make a basic tree for a class of your choice. Scion Templar Witch Shadow Marauder should all work.

How it works:

-Romira's ring gives you power charges on non-crit. -Melee crit chance should be only between 6.0 and 6.5%, means you rarely crit and collect lots of power charges. -Mjölner casts spells on hit, using the power charges for massive discharge explosions. -With some spellcrit from skilltree and shield, discharge has a 40%+ chance to crit, feeding your surgeon's flasks, allowing very high to permanent flask uptime.

General playstyle: If monsters are spottet run towards them, pop granite flask (atziri if bif pack or suspected reflect/explode/chaos dmg), cyclone trough stuff and molten strike down remaining rares/exiles/bosses, if needed with atziri flask. Instantly dispel freeze, care for corrupting blood as you will be on 20 stacks in 1 second especially with molten strike. I had Cyc on right mouse button and MS on left.

teh end/lets go melt screens? im no guide writer so there is probably some stuff i forgot but im online all weekend and should be able to respond a bit quicker. Ign in Warbands: UnleashTheStorm

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