The Light Bulb Conspiracy (2010) - Documentary about planned obsolescence

You are right. I am hasty, I am a shut in paranoid fuck. And I did not correctly research the subject, nor do I know how, I am too ignorant, stupid and impulsive, and impatient and unfocused to do simple things like that. I'm some kind of paranoid fucktard for real, I am not diagnosed, but I show many, many, many signs. So you are spot on when you call me a conspiratard, that is what I am. I am ashamed, although I feel like I can't help myself (which is the easiest thing to do). I'm filled with hatred against all sorts of politics and economics that I can't even understand, nor am I fully capable to. Reddit is easy, you just log in, and you can write shit without thinking. Well, this is the 5th account I've made this year, with inbox full of comments like yours, and because I face other's frustrations at my constant babbling of utter bullshit, I get tense, and I think that makes me right. I have a problem, I awknowledge it. If I do not change by the end of the year 2015, I think I'll make sure I don't ever waste anyone's time anymore. I am like the other shits on reddit, insecure bullshitters who don't know anything, I am also young. All these factor into my stupidity, which is inexcusable. I apologize for this, and also this awkward comment, I do not seek pitty, I do not want to seek attention, I don't want you to be sorry for me, I just want you to know, that deep down, I know I am wrong, and that I will try to stop it. I have more pressing issues in my life than this, that I ineffectively try to escape through raging on reddit. I'm an asshole, and although I'll probably do it again, I'll trash my left hand with a screw diver handle whenever I come on here to spew my hatred and my ridiculous assertions. I do not know to make real thorough arguments, if I did, I'd be in school. I'm a lazy fuck, and I know it. That's all. I hope you do not lose faith in people around you when you feel surrounded by idiots, something that I ironically feel often, even though I'm probably the most fucked up idiot I know.. Maybe one day I'll work it out, and I'll be able to pass on the knowledge to others like me, and reduce the amount of uninformed fucktards clogging internet forums. If I may make a suggestion, showing compassion and pointing out less harshly that my points, and the points of other people like me, are mute, the problem might go away faster. One of my siblings has taken notice that I am depressed, and that this kind of behavior on my part is making it worse.

I admit total defeat, I really should not be on the internet to discuss anything until I get myself fixed.

/r/Documentaries Thread Link -