I'm not afraid to be down-voted so I will make a stand here for what Asian Males face in Western society. To boil it down , it comes to several reasons why we face such adversity
Western society chooses to put down Asian males in any form it can. Females and males of white ethnicity put down asian males. The largest blame here is the white male. I'm sure you know that Asian's are not represented in the media in a positive sense at all. When we are represented, we are represented as nerds , criminal , evil , Korean grocers, Japanese businessmen, Indian cab drivers, TV anchorwomen, martial artists, gangsters, faith healers, laundry workers, and prostitutes. These negative portrayals translate to a negative representation of how Asian men are viewed in real life. When people meet an Asian man or woman, they do not see the Asian as a person who might have wide collection of interests, but as a caricature of what these representations in the media show.
The Asian women problem. The most hate that an Asian Man might get in his dating life are from Asian women and white men who tend to react negatively when Asian men date other races , and from the rejection an Asian male gets from some Asian females in the form of "I do not date Asians". t is a level of hypocrisy that cannot be understood, as if they believe they are higher forms of human beings than we are. Like they have somewhat evolved from the Asian race just because they are celebrated in the media as being the ideal partners for white men whereas we the men are attacked at every opportunity for everything. This is what is known as "Uncle Tom" behavior.There is also cultural imperialism going on. The women are just as much victims of being in the Anglo-sphere as Asian Men. They are more positive light, because white men love conquering the exotic women.These same Asian women are getting their heads beaten in relentlessly by the media of how they are “supposed to look” and how inept Asian / Foreign men are. There are grand, macroeconomic imperialistic forces that are making Asian Men look like chumps. The more Westernized the Asian woman is, the less she will want to date Asian men. It would be so easy for Asian Men to just lash out at Asian women for in some ways “betraying” Asian men, or throwing Asian men under the bus. But just like we have our struggles in the Anglo sphere with our masculinity, Asian women face a barrage on what they “should” be and how they can be accepted in the Anglo sphere. Therefore , it you should face such a women , you should NEVER give her chance.
Most asians in this country is East Asians, now while I am not discounting the south asians that are present , East asians are the major representation of asians. But the problem East Asians have is the confucist valus that we are ingrained with. To value family over the individual. To value education. That is why you see Asians without backbone when people of other races are racist. That is why Western society still thinks it is okay to make fun of Asians today. Because we are not speaking out. Next comes to the issue of the value on education. Now having an emphasis on education is not bad , but our parents focus on it means that we are lacking in other aspects of life , like he ability to socialize, and make friends.