Legit Porn destroys your aura and women do not notice you or they simply ignore you like you don’t exist even if you are attractive.

I get the point and it's an interesting way of seeing it. I would add that whatever this energy is, it's about the consequences of doing porn. Humans are ashamed of their genitals because they are aware, but because we are also animals, we seek lust. It's not for nothing that lust is part of the main human's sins. Someone who’s always over lazy, angry, jealous are people that are not enjoyable and lust isn’t an exception. It brakes your mind. For exemple, we should have one partner and having desires for other women is bad even when single. It makes you see people like walking vaginas/dick and get rid of them as people.

For the people that are part of the industry, I don’t think I'm wrong by saying they usually are poor or already drug addicts to begin with and can’t escape. Also, it's a big scar on their pride. After all, humans are dual beings: a material and an immaterial entity. When you sell your body, you also sell your soul.

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