Key differences between Unity and Unreal.

What I said is not at all a problem. One of the first things you said to me was to not argue semantics yet its funny, here you are, highlighting semantics.

You don't seem to even grasp the idea of semantics vs ideas. I am not arguing semantics, I am arguing that you are not understanding the idea because you are reading the symbols I write and creating your own meaning from them. You are not communicating, because you are not attempting to understand what I am stating my symbols mean. What my ideas are.

In fact, you are doing the opposite of communicating. You are telling me what my symbols mean, what my ideas are, and then attacking those ideas. That is what a strawman argument is. It can't get any more clear.

You were able to create some 2D pixel art game in 2-3 days when in Unity2D, you can accomplish many 2D games in a matter of a few hours.

There is more to game development than rendering pixels to a screen. I have a very well documented example of over 160 hours comparing Unity2D and a custom engine using SFML. I have documented each feature down to the detail using time management software. I have actual evidence to prove I completed the same prototype in both.

I can tell you exactly what my custom engine's strengths and weaknesses are, and exactly what Unity2D's strengths and weaknesses are. Relative to that project, of course.

My problem with you, and the reason I perceive you as a troll or idiot, has nothing to do with your opposition to my statements. I do not dislike that you disagree with me.

My problem with you is that you are very clearly not understanding what I am saying, and then when I try to communicate the meaning of my statements- you laugh, acting as if you know better than I, about the meaning of my own words.

The only troll-like things I have done to you, is call you a troll or idiot. Since you have failed to address any of my points other than to say "I didn't communicate? YOU DIDNT COMMUNICATE! [insert another strawman]" then there is little else I can conclude.

If you would like, we can start over from the beginning. Just as long as you stop and actually listen to what I am saying rather than tell me what I'm saying.

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