Joshua Weismann’s content has really taken a nose dive in quality

I subbed to him very briefly like a year ago and yeah these reasons are why I quickly dipped

Also, his low/no effort "Big Mac homemade" videos suck ass. Like wow you made a big Mac with wagyu beef and like $200 of ingredients, bet it hardly slaps the same as the $4 burger from McDonald's lol

And holy shit the "Super cheap TWO DOLLAR ($2!) delicious noodles"

Where he's attempted to price out the ingredients on a per serving, per bowl basis (Which using his prices is wildly incorrect), then he proceeds to add in like $100 of extra ingredients in his version but always has the disclaimer "You don't need this but I like it"

Like bruh, not only did you make even remotely close to a cheaply priced dish that you claimed you did, you went ahead and added a hundred dollars of "Bonus extras" that "you don't really need" for the dish

Uhgg idk man he rubs me the wrong way. His content now is just like f-tier buzzfeed zoomer shit

/r/Cooking Thread