Joaquin Castro Smuggles Device Into Migrant Detention Facility, Captures Photos Of ‘Prison-Like’ Cell

There goes the left with some 10 cent words to validate their unvalidated point.

→Do you see Republicans promoting policies that would help this or make it worse? (hint: make it worse)

As a matter of fact I do. How might you ask? Unemployment rates decreasing rapidly, this countries natural resources at all time highs creating revenue not out of our pockets, housing market is rising creating new opportunities for new developments which decreases cost on existing housing over time. If I had time for a list I'd keep going but unfortunately time is not worth wasting when there's more important opinions to sway.

Lets vote to put the unreported rapists and pedofiles crossing the border next to your house. I'll vote for it any day. Process not needed. Don't worry. It's only a small number around 70%

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