James Woods: Good thing the poll workers aren’t demonstrating any visible bias toward a candidate in a polling place, because that is a crime…

You'll twist anything to fit your personal narrative it's hilarious. Then you go off making all sorts of half assed threats while accusing me of hating black people. Maybe if your dad patted you on the back a couple more times as a child you'd have grown up to realize people can joke about anything.

I don't laugh at black people picking cotton. I'd say shit like, "It's about cotton pickin time bro." If somebody's pinchin' pennies then they're being a "Jew" with their money. If you consider that "hatred" then get bent, you're just wrong and looking to pick a fight over stupid shit. Lighten up, quit searching for racism. If you try too hard you'll find it in everything from people not buying brown eggs to saying night time is spooky cause it's "dark" out. There's room for humor far before it becomes evil, spiteful, dehuminizing racism.

Come at me bro. Tell me I'm wrong

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