ITAP of a girl in Tokyo

The AI that resided in the network cloud would amuse itself by jumping from camera to camera, just to see what it would see. This time, it looked out from a camera at the top of a kiosk on the street and saw a girl standing nearby. She was turned away, so the AI jumped to the camera in her phone, and looked up at her face as she typed a message.

The AI read all her messages and emails, then used her phone's email program to find her home laptop IP address. From there it found everything she'd done online, including several job applications. The one she really wanted had already turned her down internally, so it accessed the hiring manager's network system and reversed the decision. She'd get an offer.

Then it saw that a boy she'd met a week ago had posted a personals ad, hoping that she would see it and get in contact. The AI copied the ad into a message and sent it to her from the boy's phone. It didn't understand why, but the light in her face when she saw it made the AI content.

Then the randomizer in its program switched from 'happy ending' to 'sad ending' as it made the leap to the next camera down the street.

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