IMPORTANT! Posts disclosing the movement of Ukrainian Armed Forces will be removed! Repeat violation of this rule will result in a ban.

I see your point and also potential legal requirement for it. u/jesterboyd

I would however posit that the "Russians being genocided" is (once again) the most likely narrative the Kremlin will be pushing towards their population. Keeping movement of Ukrainian Armed Forces secret (perfectly normal) will be a target of disinformation.

If you have to police for OPSEC (which reuters will not do very much) you'll piss off a lot of people and put the general population behind on the information curve - drastically reducing their agency in launching a narrative themselves. You can argue that is a feature or a bug (Ukrainians may want peace, highly engaged armchair generals, or some oligarchs may or may not).

Be that as it may: How can you get the russian public on your side? And (the correct part of) the German public vocal about things?

a) Have on speed-dial / share with

b) InformNapalm did excellent work with the Surkov leaks but they cannot do a media campaign (just their name...). Most western journalists were never aware of them or have forgotten about the leaks.

Now is the time where this stuff needs to be ready for launch in context at a moment's notice. Add Dugin, Kadyrov (and his local rep), Zaldostanov. And MH 17. It never got closure in the west, but it was drowned out, and controversial at the time. Launch it in a format fit for the relevant audience (different parts of the World / Europe have different concerns). Prep it with local faces, reach out to them now with the general narrative, and be ready to sit down and discuss reliability. An important example I can speak to is Germany. I think you need to get some people onto the street (that is a tall ask in this weather, with covid etc. - but the Polish community can help make this happen - My recommendation is a "March for Peace". It can even reference the - the point is to be against imperialism, and that one should not close the eyes when the other side does it.

Note that the voting pattern of Russian-germans (who on average liked Putin better than Merkel) is a tendency to the far left for the older generation, and overrepresented on the far right for the younger generation: and

I.e. you have potential wedge issues where you can push old vs young, and Bavaria/AfD vs Mecklemburg-Vorpommern/Linke (M-V is where the North Stream 2 stuff is). Similarly on the far right itself there is a split between NDP (extremists closer to ukraines Natskorp), and AfD (anti-establishment, anti-EU, slightly more moderate).

The (moderate) left has lost appetite for street protests as all fringe issues now attract (non-left) lunatics and right wing lunatics, and the anti-establishment has jumped into the streets with vengeance. But I think a fairly bland pro-peace, pro-EU protest could work out. Sadly people can't be arsed

A couple of local faces (that can and want to pull this off with you): Rezo -, Neo Magazin (they are an authority on fake information campaigns and nazis): - this is relevant because you will have to spoil FSB use of these Natskorp videos: They aren't known in Germany yet, and the reaction to them will be about as bad as the ones below that can work for you:

Images like this will send shivers down a German spine (esp. if you know AK's foundation is "helping refugees" in Germany). or

Watch this video if you want to have an approximate "lay of the land" of youtube in Germany: (relevant to get kids on the street), Michael Kreil can help you for twitter (relevant for oldschool journalists and the estanlishment).

c) Push for OSCE transparency and accuracy review. This is the least common denominator that Russia still "supports". If they pull out of this one it will cost them on the international stage. Point to the fact that is the only thing there currently really is - and that this is no sustainable state of affairs.

/r/ukraine Thread