"I'm not that bad" (Context in Comments)

No worries!

-He would ask me incredibly personal questions and make me feel guilty if I didn't answer, and then slut shame me with that information. And him making me feel shitty for dating or sex or male friendships in general was a huge issue throughout

-He used mental health as an excuse for his behavior, but would use it as a means of telling me why I was wrong or unhealthy (which he did again in this conversation!) He also refused to get any sort of help at all.

-Our relationship became him baiting me into telling him he's good and attractive, but him being critical of me

-He used me feeling guilty for not talking to him enough as a means of getting me to continue talking with him

-When we were closer, and when he lived in the same city, I was almost always the one putting in any kind of effort, and he'd make me awful if I didn't: I was expected to plan things and go to his place, and if I didn't he'd make me feel bad for it rather than plan himself.

-Multiple times, he weaponized things that he knows are huge sources of anxiety for me in order to get his way: I fear being overly enthusiastic, I was hurt terribly by my friend (Green in the post), and my mental health was at an all-time worst when I became friends with him. As such, he uses me being "delusional" and "how do you think Green felt?" as ways to get me to interact with him

-He puts feelings and actions on me rather than him, and ignores my actual ones. An example in this post--"I'm your worst nightmare," "you're mad at me," "you are my friend." None of those things are true things, but they do get in my head.

-His use of negativity--usually he wanted me to sink down with him rather than bring him up.

-Attempting to solve problems with him usually involved him claiming innocence or ignorance. There was never any actual problem solving, and it always ended with me reevaluating myself and apologizing and him not changing anything.

-He absolutely has a HUGE victim complex. The world is out to get him, he'll be alone forever--a lot of it related to women and how women actually have it better in society right now. So that card was played A LOT.

That's a lot of words, sorry!

tl;dr-- uses my weaknesses and faults as a means of "solving" problems and maintaining contact

/r/niceguys Thread Parent Link - imgur.com