I'm gonna run post this from the old sub.

Asexual is the lack of sexual attraction. Aromantic is the łack of romantic attraction.

Asexual people can still pursue romantic relationships. Aromantic people can still pursue sexual relationships.

Asexuals and Aromantics aren't all attracted to the same gender(s).

You can be a female cishet ace and want a boyfriend for the romantic aspect. You can be a male cishet ace and want a girlfriend for the romantic aspect. You can be a female cis lesbian ace who wants a girlfriend for the romantic aspect. You can be a male cis gay ace who wants a boyfriend for the romantic aspect.

Not every ace is gay, not every ace is straight, not every ace is trans.

I do not see how people who just don't want to have sex get discriminated against, I'm fine with them having their own spaces as long as they don't fling insults at those who have sex, act like those who have sex are disgusting. I just want lgbt spaces that are strictly for lesbian, gays, bisexuals or trans persons, where we all can discuss issues about it. There can be shared spaces, there can be spaces for just aro/ace and just lgbt, and I would feel a lot more comfortable if we were allowed to have spaces to discuss solely lgbt issues and a different place to discuss solely aro/ace issues, I would love to participate in both but as two separate movements.

(sidenote: I personally do not want [or plan] to have sex, as a huge genophobe. I completely understand that some people just might not want to have sex/don't feel sexual attraction.)

/r/exclus Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it