"If real Muslims truly condemn these action, where is the urgency to disassociate themselves from these mindless savages?... The world is fed up and until Islam proves that they are too, we are going to continue our hatred towards the religion." [+1250 + 2x gilded]

I am against violence and I am disgusted by these terrorists actions.I can't imagine the pain of having a loved one die. I do want to want to add though I don't support these cartoons they have political message behind them and they are border on being outright racist. Denounce violence, but no need to ally yourself with a publication committed to racism, sexism, and hate.Supporting a publication that has depicted black people as dogs and monkeys, made jokes of girls stolen by Boko Haram, portrayed a naked Muslim woman with a burka shoved up her ass. They generously claim to ‘attack everyone equally,’ the cartoons they publish are intentionally anti-Islam, and frequently sexist and homophobic. Freedom of speech I support but I don't support bullying, racism and discrimination. It is my choice to condemn publicly as many Muslims practice religion privately. Especially now a lot of people on Europe do not want to be targetted. Just go online read what threats people are making against a Muslims. I and disgusted by these phychopath terrorists . I want to remind you we lost a Muslim hero cop because of the attacks and many innocent lives it's heart breaking. That does not justify people blaming 1.7 billion muslims for the actions of a few. We never asked for a apology or public condemn speech when in Norway a radical Christian killed 77 innocent civilians and wrote 150 page letter with proof of him being a terrorist targeting Muslims. Lastly Turkey does not have a responsibility to figh isis we will not start a war with terrorists and put civilians lives at risk. We have been fighting a war against pkk terrorist and we know first hand what the risks are. Turkey is a peaceful country every politician and Turkish religious leader has publicly condemned the actions of terrorist attacks Paris. Do not write without knowledge as your only source of information is bias newspapers that are controlled. Turkey was named number one country in the world to provide humanitarian aid we have millions of Syrians living and are being protected by our country. Just to prove how bias American media is here is a example ...I want to add that I am flabbergasted that CNN did a 24 coverage on Turkish protests ALL Day but never did that for Michael Brown protests in their own country. Yes I am muslim yes I am Turkish and also Canadian.No you can't bully me to do anything it is my right to choose to condemn actions of anyone.

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