IamA Paramedic with Magen David Adom, Israel’s ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief organization. I just returned from our mission in Nepal treating injured civilians and Israelis. AMA!

Here is a list of humanitarian aid to Nepal by all middle eastern countries full of Arabs that your racist ass hates. Of course you could google it yourself but you were busy googling "Arab gay porn" instead.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Algeria has dispatched 70 relief workers, medicines, and other supplies to Nepal.[46]

Brunei has sent eight-man relief contingent, comprising two doctors and four paramedics from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) and Brunei’s Gurkha Reserve Unit (GRU).[58]

Iran President Hassan Rouhani offered "sympathy and condolences" to the people of Nepal and to their President Ram Baran Yadav. Rouhani wished for a swift recovery of the injured and patience for the bereaved families.[86] Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham also expressed sympathy with the Nepalese government and nation over the deadly earthquake that hit the country earlier in the day, offering condolences to the families of the victims and wishing immediate recovery to those injured in the disaster.[87] The Iranian Red Crescent Society declared its readiness to assist and to cooperate with the NRCS. The IRCS prepared a 40-ton humanitarian relief package to dispatch to Nepal; however, due to the critical conditions of the Kathmandu Airport, the package will be delivered through one of the neighboring countries.[88][89][90]

Two aircraft laden with Qatari aid materials left on Sunday from Doha, Qatar News Agency (QNA) reported. Each plane carried 60 tonnes of relief materials including foodstuffs, medicines, power generators and tents. Two other aircraft will leave on Monday with 120 tonnes of relief materials, in addition to a field hospital provided by Qatari Red Crescent (QRC) to deliver medical aid to the affected people. The Standing Committee of Emergency, Rescue, Relief and Humanitarian Aid, headed by Lekhwiya, undertook the task of preparing the relief materials and coordinating with the concerned authorities. On top of this, QRC had on Saturday issued an emergency appeal to raise QAR 12 million for the relief of Nepal earthquake victims and allocated QAR 1 million for emergency relief operations concerning health, sheltering, water, sanitation and restoring family links.[124]

The Turkish Foreign Ministry offered its condolences to the Nepali people and government due to the losses in the earthquake and has launched efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to Nepal. Turkish aid agencies have sent a search and rescue team made up of 65 people to Nepal.[143]

On the day of the quake, UAE President Sheikh Khalifa sent his condolences to Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav; the nation's Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, also conveyed his sympathies. On Sunday, the Ministry of Interior sent an 88-member search and rescue team to Nepal; the team is being led by the director of Abu Dhabi Civil Defence, Lt. Col. Mohammed Al Ansari, and will liaise with UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination staff on site. A second UAE team is traveling to India to purchase medical and food supplies which will be airlifted to Nepal.[48] The Chairwoman of the General Women's Union, Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, donated DH 5 million towards relief to quake victims.[144]

/r/IAmA Thread Parent