I think I have a thing for my co worker

This isn't some life or death situation and really, in a way, its kind of just petty and annoying that I think about this as often as I do. I have a thing for my co worker. I know, that's some monumental shit right there - something that has never happened before to anyone ever!

Well, at the job I'm currently at (with the co worker I currently have feelings for) there was another co worker who came before the current crush even started working there. This other guy and I had a brief and stupid fling that ended badly and with most of our co workers ended up knowing about it - even workers that were only seasonal staff! Since it ended he was fired and I regained my dignity as much as I could, and then he showed up. From our first day worked together we hit it off really well and I remember thinking how he was cute and I would totally hop on that ride! But then he mentioned having a gf and I came back to reality. Well, over the next few months, him and his gf went through rough patches and I went through random one night guys and thats when we became support buddies for each other - asking each other for advice and giving each other suggestions on how to approach different situations.

Now here we are, he's broken up with the gf and I haven't even thought about dating anyone seriously or sleeping with anyone in a couple months. But I can't stop thinking about him, and wanting to tell him I like him but I get to scared so instead, I write about it here, where no one will find it, and he'll never know, and maybe I'm chickening out on something that could be pretty awesome but I can't do that with a co worker again, even if this is a co worker I actually care about and not one that its just about a physical connection.

/r/confession Thread