How's HOTS doing these days? Worth coming back?

I mean your still playing in the same constraints as everyone else in ranked...

Obviously, you are not. You are matched against groups as a solo player, and the groups are even hidden from you in the UI. You cannot select exclusive solo play (in dota you can). They are also hiding all sorts of other things like ranks and placement status of your teammates, awareness of which could be helpful for you when picking heroes (but obviously not "for the game", according to their twisted logic). They basically through you under bus if it helps the report how they address "the long-term sustainability", even where it obviously doesn't.

When you have never ending teaming up with people who are tons of ranks below you but hardly ever see anyone above you, then this "you are in the same boat" narrative produces cognitive dissonance. Or even where you have people on the same rank but are literally unable to press the buttons time and time again. Who knows what else they are hiding apart from the group status for the sake of "the long-term sustainability", and what else they manipulate in the matchmaking? Money spent on the game, account age, number of heroes available, your location, nationality, your specs, any other demographics that they can try to utilise to press their targets as they see them. By this time I simply don't trust them. Free-to-play does not mean that it is not pay-to-win. At the end, if a game is an endless exploitative frustration, it is not worth playing.

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