How well did Nicola do in the debate? Does 1200 more people becoming members of the SNP during the debate answer your question?

Firstly, I dont think you should be downvoted for expressing your opinion. Unpopular as it might be. Its thought-out, and a lot better thought-out than some of the stuff I've read on reddit.

I see no reason why we should spend 20 times Denmark on 'defence'. And I dont think Ireland hide behind us. I just dont believe Ireland are in any danger from anyone, just the same as I dont think Portugal or Norway are in any real danger. The only conceivable threat is Russia, and that would be a nuclear catastrophe (and we'd get nuked on day one for having nukes in our military)

So whats with all the helicopters and ships and jet fighters and stuff? If we've only got nukes to defend against Russia, what's the point? Its not defence at that point. Its about being able to threaten countries like Argentina so 'we' look tough (and win the 1983 general election)

Trident is just part of the spending. we spend money on other nuclear weapons and bombers to put them in and jets to guard the bombers and all the other stuff. Along with the nuclear power stations we've subsidised with many many more billions to enrich the Plutonium. And now we have to pay to decommission the fuckers. Its an extremely expensive business. Meanwhile everyday I walk by 20 beggars on 20 street corners. And they (labour) spent 700 million on a tram.

If you total up 25 years of 40 billion a year, with interest, its the entire national debt. And now we spend something like 40 billion a year on interest on that debt.

Anyway. I'm rambling

I think UKIP are trying to make a market for themselves by saying whatever they think will secure them as many votes as possible. They're playing for survival because as soon as people stop seeing them as a serious alternative to the big 2 then they'll go the same way as the Lib dems and the bnp. They're opportunists and to me, their politics is vulgar and disingenuous. They attack the wrong people and pretend its the root of all evil. In that debate tonight, Old Farrage blamed everything on immigrants.

And the guy is married to a 'foreigner', and his great grandfather was an immigrant. Its beyond a joke.

I hope they take votes from the tories because they're the worst of them. But Labour arent much better. They started the foundation hospital shite that's torn through the English NHS, Take a drive around England and you'll see private healthcare vans all over the place.. And Tony Blair took us into that illegal war, and he knew the dossiers were dodgy, he knew the evidence wasn't there, (just the same as I, and everyone I knew knew it was all horseshit)

I think the problem is that the government have allowed a huge influx of immigrants, and it must have been deliberate. when I was a kid it was damn near impossible to get into Britain. Now, you just hop on the back of a truck in calais and nobody checks the trucks. That's given the right wing press barrow loads of muck to spread. And that's what's driven the politics in Britain.

People like Murdoch and this prick control our politicians

Fuck I need to go to ma bed!

/r/Scotland Thread Parent