How to be happy in a monogamous relationship?

ok theres a lot here that i need to unpack. you've convinced me to reply again, but you've got alot of misconceptions about bisexuality that i feel the need to dispel.

first im going to ask. are you bisexual? if not, what is your orientation? i just want to put what you are saying in context. if you are bisexual, recognise that different bisexual people are (SHOCK HORROR) different people with different wants and different needs and different goals

This is not a whine about that.

it really sounds like it. furthermore the implication that bisexuals cannot be monogamous is actually kinda offensive and we recieve quite a bit of flak for it, despite a bunch of us being completely monogamous, and not poly at all.

i've tried to stay calm to answer your questions but your not listening at all when we detail our own experiences and relationship preferences and keep repeating that assumption. your kinda starting to be offensive here so be careful. just to put it out there the offensive bit isnt asking the question, but your not listening to any of us when we tell you its not like that.

My point is that only bisexuals, even in principle cannot by very definition conform to monogamy as only socially acceptable model.

that is completely false, and the fact that bisexuals are telling you its false and you keep holding onto it shows that you dont respect our orientations at all. let us explain our own orientations goddamnit. and recognise that bisexuality =/= polyamory.

or does the fact that i've been in mono relationships before WITHOUT the desire to have sex outside of that relationship break your conception of the orientation. am i lying? am i constantly fluctuating between being gay and straight? fucking no im not.

and there was no "solution" to their lifestyle. They were unhappy. Society did not provide them with a satisfactory model.

there have been solutions for years, and people have been living those solutions for years and you'll see that, if you just open your eyes a little bit. the unhappiness stems from being rejected at large, not that there arent any solutions. i dont need society to endorse it for the solution to exist, i just need to not be called a scumbag deviant when i enact the solution.

No secret desires or sexual identities that need to be tamed anymore. Yay!

in a healthy mono relationship the desires dont need to be tamed, and infact in the healthiest ones they arent tamed, but discussed and seen as just another personal character attribute so to speak. i can speak from experience. the only thing that needs to be tamed is peoples misconceptions about this.

Society still just expect them to basically fall back to either of two approved groups.

yeah thats called erasure and its super shitty, especially when it happens when your in a mono relationship. nothing to do with 'taming the beast' (shudder....ffs).

There is no such thing as "bisexual marriages" or "bisexual monogamy", it's an oxymoron.

thats just flat out wrong. a bisexual marriage would be a marriage between two bisexuals, just like we have gay marriages, mixed orientation marriages, straight marriages, and any other color under the sun and outside of the solar system. this is one of the reasons the term has been changed from "gay marriage" to "same sex marriage", removing the orientation and instead substituting the actuality of the marriage. your confusing action with attraction again. two different words with two different meanings. do i need to pull out a dictionary?

Polyamory pops up, but it's not the quite same thing as having a five wives

wow do i need to give you some links on all the diverse ways people do non-monogamy/polyamory?

And even if it was, it is nowhere near legitimacy and acceptance of a solution for hetero or gay people

there are so many straight and gay people doing non-monogamy in healthy ways.

They can't possibly be happy in the long run taming half of their needs, without basically changing their sexuality identity to either homo or straight (if at all possible).

again, having sex with someone dosent change your sexual orientation. neither does abstaining. ffs.

im not seeing anyone right now, does that make me ace? no it dosent.

you need to go do some reading about this, but i know your not going to, because the lovely people here have been giving you example after example about how you have misconceptions about bisexuality and monogamy, and your ignoring it and going "lol but no i know your orientation better then you" can you see why i think your trolling now?

not only that but your assuming its a need. just because you see yourself as some insatiable sex beast dosent mean thats true, or that it applies to other people.

now fucking listen, or fuck off.

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