How we got duped into believing milk is necessary for healthy bones

I'm not claiming everyone should eat this diet. I am responding to your claim that there are easier and cheaper ways to meet these goals.

And you've made it quite evident that this is, in fact, the case. Nonetheless, if I need to amend my original statement to, "there are easier and cheaper ways to safely meet these goals within the boundaries of consensus nutrition science", I'm happy to do so.

There is no medical authority on the planet that is going to recommend a dozen eggs a day as a normal diet.

I certainly don't wait around for someone to tell me what to eat.

Which may be why your diet departs so widely from accepted science.

I eat Keto

See above, I'm not going to support a diet based on metabolic starvation and known to often involve kidney deterioration. Medical professionals use this diet for specific purposes and do not recommend it to the population at large. I seriously hope you don't plan on sticking to that diet for a long time.

Saturated fat is important in meeting my dietary goals. I am unconvinced there is any harm in eating a large amount of dietary saturated fat. In fact, I believe it's important to do so - by increasing healthly LDL levels.

See above, this is not recognized nutrition science at the moment. Maybe that will change someday.

That's true, and I do take 4 supplements to round out my micro-nutrient intake

So, to make this clear, your egg intake is not actually providing you the micro nutrients you need, so you need to supplement to support the diet. This is your "simple" and "cheap" diet. One that could be supplied more simply and about as cheaply with supplementation alone, or less simply (but with less insane consumption levels of a single foodstuff) and about as cheaply with alternative foods.

I get that you don't want to focus on the broader implications of why this diet is "cheap" in the first place, the fact that it is only even comparable to other diets because of government subsidies that disproportionately benefit the egg industry and a lack of regulations that allow for serious environmental externalities. However, while your perspective might be limited to a narrow individual focus, the fact remains that this dietary solution is not scalable.

particularly if they happen to conform to a Keto diet, or a Paleo diet, which other family members eat.

I'm not going to provide information in support of specialized or fad diets that are based primarily on "just so" post-hoc justifications and depart from consensus nutrition science on several fronts. I will advise that if you are trying to lose weight and be healthier you should exercise regularly, eat a broad spectrum diet, and reduce your overall caloric intake. Those have been the recommendations of nutrition science for decades and remain the best method of attaining permanent weight loss without adverse affects to health.

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