How the fuck do I get rid of an unreasonable and completely illogical OneItis? I don't even want sex with this woman.

I think you know they answer to the question. Don't waste your time with this person. Why the fuck would you put your valuable time into someone who doesn't give two shits about you?

I don't know why.

It's unhealthy and shows mental insecurity; that you need this women to validate you.

I'm not sure I need her to validate me. I'm not sure I want her to want me or to love me. It is me who wants to get to her. Like, I don't even care what feelings she would have for me.

Look, you need to get yourself into an abundance mentality and talking to more women will help this but the key word is mentality.

I'm talking to literally every attractive girl I see, so I am already doing it. And I have other girls expressing interest in me. Literally wherever I go if there is a hot girl I flirt with her.

Remember you are the prize, not this girl who basically told you to fuck off by saying she's not ready for a relationship.

I know that, but I was being chased for 5 years into my LTR and I feel that it would be kind of fair for me to chase someone obviously lower than my SMV now, since we both know I have higher SMV as it it obvious.

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