How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?

It was kinda like a race car track with red flags popping up every so often.

I guess the main one I should've stood up on was when I told her I wasn't sure about her moving 5 states away to live with me so she got pissed off and took like 5 or 6 back to back shots of rum and then proceeded to get mad at me when I wasn't in the mood to care for her drunk wailing ass.

When she did move in we were planning a vacation to visit her folks, I wanted to go 3 hours east of where they were and leave her alone with her family so I could visit my family. She got mad and told me I should hang around her the entire time because I wasn't as close to my family as she was to hers. I saw my grandma for the last time on that trip.

When my grandma died I did my best to finish my lab and get home without crying. When I told her she said I wasn't allowed to feel bad and that I was using it to drag her down. I told her to leave me.

She hung around for almost a year after that going through the same motions, telling the same lie (I love you) all the while resenting me. She actively tried not to have fun at concerts and shows and the zoo just so she could have a bad time and blame her lack of connection to me for it. She did a keto diet around me but ate pizza and cake around her friends so she wouldn't have to share meals with me. I'm pretty sure she skipped birth control more than a few times so she could start a period so she wouldn't feel obligated to have sex with me.

All in all it was just me being a stepping stone for her to get out of her parents house and on her own. I'm good now, just never want to deal with her lies or see her again.

/r/AskReddit Thread