How do you cope with being gaslighted and experiencing not being believed my the medical industry? It is so hard

I don’t have crappy, state funded insurance and live in a small town. So I have little to no options on who I get to seek treatment from, I’ve settled with listening and focusing on providers that do support me (just my social worker and psychiatrist at this point). I’m trying my best just to improve my circumstances so I even have the option to challenge or leave a doctor. If I could, I would simply find a better doctor. I know they’re out there.

When I had better insurance (when I could still work) I had a couple excellent doctors who took my pain and mental health seriously. I don’t have exact answers, but I got some general guidance from them I follow.

In the mean time, I’ve settled for chronic pain meditation, tiger balm, heat/ice, otc meds, gentle exercise, “researching” what I can and resting a lot. I’m lucky to have people in my life who can help me function when an injury gets too bad. Also grateful that I have accommodations at my college that will hopefully help me afford to advocate for myself without risk.

/r/ChronicPain Thread