How to break up with a long-term boyfriend

There’s just conflict of character too. I don’t want to sit around and wait for him. I took an online masters so I could go where he did for medical school (within the province, because my degree would be useless otherwise). His grades for his undergraduate were already really bad and on top of that he procrastinated his medical school test twice. One year he played world of warcraft literally from 3PM when he woke up to 6AM every day and just faked a headache to not write the test. This year he build stuff out of wood and only studied 2 weeks prior. He has absolutely no volunteering experience and his lab experience is limited to what his dad set up for him with his friend (which was only 1 week long). He is extremely unqualified in North America so he’s going to a country where certification is way easier. When he comes back he will likely be discriminated against because in a way this is cheating the system and his best prospect will be to work as a family doctor in a clinic. None of this adds up to me. How can someone who has no work ethic or interest fuck off to another country for 6 years. Sure, I’ll support you but I’m done waiting. Throughout our entire relationship, he was always busy with something and rarely made time for me, now he’s leaving physically.

/r/relationship_advice Thread