Hospital Employee Is Fired After Speaking to The New York Times

Elderly generally don't work, ergo arent covered by unions. Unions also are in no way shape or form gonna give a flying fuck about elderly workers in general.

Unions finally, aren't the saviors reddit make them out to be. Most Unions get the great deals they do by cutting the supply of workers to a place, this results in higher pressure for the Union go negatiate in. The catch to this, is that if you arent in the Union, you are shafted 9 ways to Sunday. Note that getting into the union can be a million times harder then getting a job, because again one of the unions strength is that it determined how many workers there. This is especially true with regard towards non plant unions (trade jobs) who can bully the snot out of the guy who couldn't get into the union.

Unions have their place, but they aren't the solution to all issues.

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