Help! Husband's new employer seems kind of sketchy. Am I right to be worried?

Thank you for your response.

The pay stubs are a big concern for me, I was pretty sure that at least that part is illegal. They have never outright refused to give him one, exactly, but they say that they don't issue them in house and are shifting the blame to the pay processor. Every time he asks(which is every week) he is told that they are "working on it".

He is actually receiving the correct amount of money, at least as far as we can tell without stubs, and it averages about $7k per month after withholding. That might not seem like a lot of money to you guys, but it is much more than he was making previously, and we really need it. We are saving to move house, and we have a young child. The only money that he is missing currently is from the first two weeks when they were doing the per diem crap.

He does keep very meticulous records of his hours, but I don't know how much that helps.

As far as the 401K, you're right, I have no idea because they will not document anything. Again, he is always told that they are "working on it".

He has been through the proper DOT testing and his certification is up to date.

I have just sent him a copy of the DOT regulations. AFAIK he is already back out on the road, which means that he has been driving already for nearly 24 hours and will not be home for anywhere from 10-24 hours more, depending on the weather tonight.

I guess my question now, is what do we do about it? I have sent him the number for DOT, but if he just refuses to work citing DOT regulations he will still be fired, and even if it is wrongful termination he will still be out of work and without income for however long it takes to find a new job, which will almost certainly come with a huge pay cut. I'm struggling to see the light at the end of this tunnel, and very worried for his safety.

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