havnt tried coming onto anyone in almost 9 years because i know im unattractive. where would be an ok place for me to try getting someone i cant take the lonlyness M29 V

I think the key here is turning your focus inward. It’s going to sound a bit ridiculous, but instead of focusing on how you can impress a girl, focus on being a champion of yourself. When you think back to that kid you used to be, you’re so proud of his confidence and ability to just talk to people - like he’s not you! The only thing stopping you from still being that person is the fact that you save all these rejections instead of letting them go. It’s like you’ve built a special room in your head for rejections, and each time you get a new one you toss it in the room like a growing pile of garbage. You spend time beating yourself up by visiting that room over and over again and looking at this pile of garbage. That’s not helping you at all. You’ve got to be kinder to yourself and let these rejections go.

Being a champion of yourself also means taking care of your body and your mind. Yes, that includes clothes, hygiene, etc. But that also means treating yourself with dignity and having your own back when you’re rejected. If someone scowls at you, that makes THEM a rude and shitty person, not you! Don’t walk into a conversation or meeting with someone assuming that you’re just some piece of crap that people can scowl at. You’re you! You’re great and funny and kind and you deserve to be treated like such! Even the less attractive of us out here are people with great things about us that we can show to the world. Focus in on what you like about yourself, and let the world see that part of you. You’re not some “ugly prick” who doesn’t deserve happiness.

/r/relationship_advice Thread