Guys of Reddit, what's something girls do that you find difficult to understand?

If I have a problem and I tell you about it I want to hear solutions.

I think a lot of people say this but don't really mean it. Are you perfectly happy with your life? Do you ever complain about anything? I mean ever. You don't get road rage, you don't mutter something under your breath when you lose your keys, you never say "fuck I wish I was somewhere else right now" when it's -20 outside and you have to scrape ice off your car?

Personally, when I'm already pissed off about something, being offered solutions to my problems just amps up my anger tenfold. And I don't think that's a particularly feminine trait, or a trait that guys can't relate to.

Think of how annoyed you'd be if you were already running late for work, you hit snooze too many times, you forgot that you were out of coffee so you realize you're going to have to either go without or make yourself even more late by going through a drive thru, you put on your shoes and realize that your dog peed in them so you hastily wash your feet off in the bathtub and put on your old shoes that have holes in the soles, you finally step out the door and realize that it fucking snowed and you'll have to scrape off your windshield making yourself even more late, you get halfway to work (which took twice as long as usual because traffic is terrible today), and you realize you forgot your fucking glasses so you'll have to go home and get them to be able to actually do your job... and a super ultra smug voice from the passenger seat says "see, this is why I always keep a second pair of glasses in my car". Would you really, at that point, say "thank you kindly for that helpful advice" or would you say "normal fucking people don't own multiple pairs of glasses, my insurance only pays for one pair every two years, and even if I did have two pairs, that advice is literally 100% fucking useless to me right now because it only prevents future problems and doesn't solve the current fucking problem so why don't you shut up with your holier than thou fucking attitude"? I mean, you probably wouldn't get mad enough to say the second thing unless you have some serious anger issues, but the point I'm trying to make is that *this is how women often feel when guys offer "solutions to their problems".

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