Going to see a doctor about Depression, Anxiety, and Bi Polar disorder tomorrow morning. What should I do/ask?

I think its really important you go in with an open mind. Figuring out a solution to your depression is going to take time and hard work. What works for some might not work for you, thats why you need to find a good team of specialists who can help guide you to recovery. Its just like cancer, sometimes people have to do through many rounds of treatment, or many different kinds of treatments before they conquer the cancer. I think its important to have a solid support system - friends and family who encourage you to keep at it.

Be open to taking medication. It will take you time to figure out what the right dose/combination is for you. You may have side effects you may not, the important thing is you work with your psychiatrist and talk with them about how things are going. If you are experiencing side effects etc. They may or may not change the dose depending on how long you have been on the drug(s). Just be open.

In Canada psychiatrists serve a dual purpose they provide talk therapy and can prescribe drugs. Its my understanding that in the USA psychiatrists are less likely to provide talk therapy, that is the role of the psychologist. Either way find a team that can provide you with both aspects of treatment - medical and talk therapy. Sometimes you won't like what your therapist has to say, or it might seem strange what they ask you to do. While it is certainly important that you find someone you can work with, remember that they are the trained expert and you should take their advice and recommendations seriously.

Talk to your doctor tomorrow about your various options and who they might recommend you go see. Perhaps they can provide you with the care you need, but as other posters have said psychiatrists/psychologists have specialized training to deal with depression (after all you go to an oncologist to seek cancer treatment, why wouldn't you want to go to a psychiatrist/psychologist to seek treatment for mental illness?).

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