GMOs and the Puppetmasters of Academia - Proof positive of active collusion between the agribusiness and chemical industries, numerous and often prominent academics, PR companies, and key administrators of land grant universities for the purpose of promoting GMOs and pesticides.

nice way to pass the buck. no one is waiting for me to tell them what to do. I know because i have told enough people what should be done to handle the issues we all face together as a society, and I have yet to see anything i have said acted out.

in case you missed it;

your government doesn't represent you. historically, when a government no longer represents their people a 4 step process goes into effect.

  1. use "proper channels" to show disapproval (voting)
  2. public protest. (now here comes the hard part for all of you)
  3. civil disobedience.
  4. revolution

we should have been on step 3 by now, and probably getting ready for step 4.

so you want to do something to stop getting corporations from paying off your government, but voting and protesting just isn't getting your point across? take their money.

wal-mart wants to not pay people a living wage? organize flash mobs to 'remove' non perishable food, clothing, and other daily necessities from the store and give them to charities.

monsanto wants to poison your food? destroy their facilities.

big oil wants to frak in your area, sabotage their equipment.

i don't write this in the hopes it will be done, because i know no that nothing will be done by anyone. I write these to remind you that history has shown us time and time again what we are supposed to do when our government no longer hears us. at this point in the process, if you want your country back, you are going to have to take it by force.

as a side note, i'm not saying people should be killed yet. this isn't step 4, but if they won't listen after you have taken their money, their lives are next. i don't say this lightly. killing is no fun, and id rather have as many people alive as possible for when we are inevitably invaded by aliens, but anyone who can put a price on the human life, anyone who can watch the suffering of our species and ask themselves how they can profit more from it, is not a human and does not deserve the life they have been given.

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