The girl that Donald Trump "hired" at his press conference today was given media credentials by the Trump Campaign before the conference.

foreign policy positions. Moreover, he's supposed to be the boss! He brings absolutely nothing to the table in a discussion on foreign affairs, unless you want to argue that he'd be well-suited to getting us some good deal, as he's said, but maybe he'd be better off in something to do with diplomacy?

Trump himself has first hand experience with doing business with and in many foreign countries. In fact much more experienced with foreigners than junior first tern Senator Obama ever had. I love when the "experience" argument comes up right after literally electing the least experienced person alive who never once did business in the private sector. He doesn't need to sit on the senate floor voting on bills for a decade to handle being the president. If it was all about experience Hillary would have been the nominee not Obama. Experience matters little when he's professional level dealt with many of the same things in a different field.

He's assembled teams, hired people, dealt with the media, dealt with foreign countries, and negotiated deals. He's not going to allow 8 more years of losing deals for America. He's much more qualified than Obama ever was for this position.

He knows many business men who also have dealt with foreign countries. He wants to end expensive wars and try to balance our budget. I hear nothing this positive from anyone else.

People do take the servers seriously... there's an actual FBI investigation taking place.

Is there going to be any charges filed, or will this be another Patreus slap on the wrist? I'll believe it when they chuck the book at her, otherwise it's just same old same old.

You know what people don't take seriously? The unprecedented amount of violence surrounded Trump events. It's really a daily occurrence now that someone gets beaten at a rally.

If course they don't. He's not who the GOP good old boys want. Trumps family is on the recieving end of death threats and protesters show up beating his supporters and it seems like 50% of the country think it's his own fault.

He isn't responsible for the ignorant actions of others. I don't hear Bernie telling people not to be violent protesting. He isn't disavowing their actions either.

I can however link a YouTube clip where at a Trump rally the supporters are told specifically that if a protester is being violent, do not hit them and do not make things worse. Security will remove them. Be peaceful.

It makes me sick how they sweep everything under the rug when in this day and age with the internet they act like we don't see this. It's not 1980 anymore Washington. We are into you, hence the outsiders are popular as ever. We are sick of your shit.

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