Georgia - Car Dealer Sold Me New Car, Now Claims Price was Too Low

It's disheartening to see you speak so confidently while misunderstanding the basics of this area of law-- such as how common terminating a contract is, and how it's not the same as "getting out" of it. And your assumptions about the frequency with which contracts can be terminated-- you say greater than 51%, but I would casually point to the fact that everyone person who has every quit their job has terminated their contract of employment. This does not nullify the contract, it does not "unwind" it to make both parties in the same state they were in before it happened, and it does not (necessarily) violate any terms of the agreement-- but it does terminate it. The same goes for any employer who's ever fired anyone.

So we can quickly see either you're misunderstanding the discussion or you're simply incorrect.

I think the type of work you do is so far removed from the broader reality of contracts in general that you're having trouble seeing the forest for the trees.

Unfortunately, as you've now become hostile and insulting, I won't be continuing this conversation further. You've repeatedly mis-used, misunderstood or mis-applied terms under discussion, so I don't think there's much more good to be had under this discussion.

That's all I have to say. I will not read any further replies.

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