General Itinerary Check: Osaka/Mastuyama/Miyazaki/Kagoshima

Kyoto is "over-touristed" if you go during sakura season, or to the half dozen of temples/shrines/streets that are on every itinerary, or insist on having slow leisurely mornings and are thus only able to tourist during the middle of the day, or dine exclusively at restaurants popularized on social media.

Late Oct/early Nov is not really a peak period (no foliage yet) except for the public holiday in early November. If you want to go, go. Avoid the most popular temples, wake up early / stay out late as appropriate (Gion is much more atmospheric at night, for instance, and Kiyomizudera at 6:30am is a great use of jetlag), consider scheduling day trips out on weekends, and go to the temples in Shiga prefecture which are much less crowded but very similar architecturally (at least to my untrained eye).

/r/JapanTravel Thread