I fucked a 21 year old man when I was 15 letting him think I was 18

I had multiple sexual encounters with a teenage girl, starting when she was 15.

This is legal where I live (I was 31 at the time), but this post is the first time I've told anyone about it.

I'm a multi-instrumentalist, and I also give lessons. I rent out time at a music store but I mainly do in-home lessons. One house I went to was a single mom, her kid wanted to learn drums, I eventually learned she had a teenage daughter as well (just from coming and going, would occasionally bump into her).

When I first started going over the mom was always present, but after a few lessons she started leaving to run errands, or I'd be giving him the drum lesson while she was at work. This was pretty common with most houses I visited.

So how this all started... I had had brief conversations with her daughter (again just from coming and going), and sometimes I felt like I was getting eyes from her, but I didn't think anything of it, beyond "high school girl - they do this to every man". Near the end of one lesson, my student had to go to school for parent-teacher interviews, his mom was kind of in a rush to get going, so she and him were leaving in a hurry, I still had to finish writing up his lesson homework for the rest of the week, as well as marking his music theory homework and making corrections (I make sure to teach drummers at least basic music theory so they can communicate better with other musicians). It was an hour lesson that was being cut off at the 45 minute mark, I explained that to her, she asked if I could just stay and do all that, then have her son call me if he had any questions about what I had written. I said sure, so she goes okay, her daughter was home, so to just finish it and then let her daughter know when I was leaving so she could lock up behind me.

I end up going to the kitchen (main floor) to do this - easier seating, have the table for writing.

Shortly after they leave, I hear footsteps, her daughter comes in, says hi, gets a glass of water, asks where her mom is, I explain what had happened, she goes oh, okay, they'll probably be a while, I go yeah probably, she goes okay, well, just let me know when you're leaving then, and goes back upstairs.

I finish up, get to the front door, get my shoes on, and I don't know her name or where she is, so I shout "I'm leaving now", and I hear her shout back (from upstairs), "Just a second". So I wait. I hear drawers shuffling and shit, I don't know what she's doing, then I hear footsteps, and she appears at the top of the stairs in her bra and lacey underwear.

I'm not gonna pretend, I didn't even think to look away. I just stared. It was obvious she wanted me to look, and I was extremely turned on. I was blown away by how forward she was being - almost immediately after I started looking, she just came down the stairs, got right up against me, and we started kissing. Just throwing herself at me. So instantly I'm like "OK she's experienced with boys", I start fingering her and she's moaning, we make out some more, then she asks me to take her to her room, I say "I don't have condoms on me", she goes "That's okay, I do", I can't fucking believe what I'm hearing. So I pick her up, carry her up the stairs, she points me towards her room, we go in there, she instructs me to lay down on the floor (she had a yoga mat out with pillows already set up, lol), shuffles through her drawer, pulls out a condom, pulls my pants down, I go to reach for the condom from her hand but she pulls it away, opens it herself, puts it on, then gets on stop and starts riding.

Soooo I didn't last long. Not even ashamed to say it, it was pretty unbelievable. We spent about ten minutes after cuddling and kissing, then she said I should leave before we got caught, and I left. I thought it was a one-time thing.

But nope.

Next couple times I go over, I don't even see her, give the drum lesson and go. Third time I'm there, mom isn't present, finish lesson, come upstairs, student is downstairs, teenage daughter is in kitchen. We smile at each other. She comes over and starts rubbing up against me. Student is downstairs drumming, mom is gone, so I go to kiss her, she "pins" me against the side of the fridge, slides down, undoes my pants and goes to town. This time at the end she asks for my number.

I give it to her.

Start getting texts and pictures from her... sometimes asking me what I'm wearing and then flat out saying she's going to masturbate to me. Obviously I'd jerk off to this. Sends me pictures of clothes she's trying on while shopping, I say buy this, don't buy that. A couple times I'd pick her up from the mall or movie when she was done hanging out with friends, she'd fool around with me in a bit in the car before I dropped her off somewhere and then she'd walk home (she didn't have her license yet). Eventually I started bringing her to my place, this didn't happen to often, maybe once a month, but I'd pick her up from somewhere while her mom thought she was out with a friend (or as before she had finished with friends and was nearby), we'd fuck each other's brains out, there were some things she wanted to try she was afraid of doing for the first time with guys her own age because of how immature she thought they'd be about it, so she did them with me. I mean what can I say? I felt constantly flattered by this young woman. Literally anything she wanted to do I just went with.

She eventually let me know that she had a boyfriend, so I was like OK, it's over then, no big deal. But no, she kept calling me, we kept having sex anyway. There were periods where nothing happened and I'd think it was over again, which I was always expecting, then she'd call text or send me pictures out of the blue and it was back on again.

This did not stop until she graduated high school, during the following summer we didn't hook up as much, she was busy getting shit together for college. But we had a goodbye lay, we've kept in touch through Facebook (pretty light conversation, like what I do with my high school friends), she's getting married soon, and it brought all this up again.

I only taught her brother drums for a year so this was all going on after that was done, I never even considered that she might tell her mom or anyone and considering I never heard anything from anyone on it (it's legal here but there are always people who will be against this sort of thing) I don't think she ever did. She was a great girl. I'm glad to see she's still happy and I'm glad to see she's found someone and I'm both flattered and proud of her for having the guts to see something she wanted (me at the time) and take a chance at getting it. I'll never forget how she looked at me when she appeared out of the hallway in her bra and panties.

/r/confession Thread