Fuck companies that print and place door ads like this

never answer the door

The same goes for those weird security system door-to-door salesman in my area. They ride around on Segways and harass the absolute shit out of homeowners.

A local woman posted a story about answering the door, listening to the pitch, and then politely telling the guy that they already had a functioning camera system. The dude kicked the door as she was closing it and then lodged his foot between the door and the frame. He only left after she started screaming for help.

Nextdoor in my area has basically turned into a giant network for alerting neighbors when those companies are in the area, which is kind of hilarious. The place turns into one of those old West ghost towns when the alert goes out. Shades drawn, kids inside, doors locked, people peering out from their window blinds to see if they've left yet.

/r/assholedesign Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com