France "is at war" after Friday's attacks on Paris, President Francois Hollande tells the national assembly.

The west has more than 50 years experience interfering in the affairs of other nation states. We've tried installing and supporting oppressive regimes - the Shah of Iran. When that went tits up, we decided to support Saddam Hussein because he happened to be at war with Iran, and look how that turned out. When the Russians were in Afghanistan, we supported the Taliban, and that didn't go to well either. Now after having a go at invading places we don't like, and trying to install 'democracy' we've given that up, and are instead bombing them in the vain hope that will 'degrade' them. The US killed the leader of Al-Qeada, has it killed them off. Nope, the US drone campaign in the Yemen has been the best recruitment campaign an islamic radicalist could have dreamt of. Why are we so surprised that there are groups of people who are pissed at us, and want to kill us?

A few weeks ago, the British press announced that we had killed Jihadi John, and it was seen as some kind of victory. But ISIS doesn't have a shortage of 'jihadi Johns' There are more waiting to take his place. And the crucial factor, that isn't understood by the west, the resource of ISIS is not guns and bombs, it's people. People who are disaffected by the west, willing to fight for them and support their cause, and we have plenty of those.

What gets me in all this madness, is that after decades of making things worse, you'd think that our leaders might take a pause, and try something else...

.... and I see that Francois Hollande has declared that France is at war. War with whom I might ask? And is something of a victory for ISIS, seeing as how Hollande has in one grand sweeping statement just recognised them as a nation state....

....Oh and another war, that's not been tried before. Maybe this time, they could try genocide, perhaps that'll work.

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