Fox News Gangster Analyst Wants Rappers Dead

no, most of those guys just managed to make it out while they still had the chance. gucci, and guys like him made the money they needed to get out of poverty, the problem with those who get caught are they get too comfortable and romanticize the lifestyle, people like gucci did it as a final resort. you see why gucci did such a 180 this year, hes tired of getting caught up in shit. that lifestyle never leaves you, you have to leave it behind. thats what guys dont get, and now that the media glorifies trapping and crime, kids ignore the negative side and only look at the money. none of these teenagers could fathom having to kill their best friend, robbing a family member, ducking shots walking down the street, etc. and thats an everyday thing for so many kids. its really depressing and i hope that more people like gucci continue to become positive influences on the people from those situations, therea a severe lack of role models in that area. i guess its obvious but id say im passionate on this subject and i have a lot of real world experience with it so it really gets on my nerves to hear misinfo apread, nothing personal or anything

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