Foreign-nanny program stonewalled by Ottawa, frustrated parents say: 97 percent of applications rejected.

Your comment would be more convincing if you didn't have that "omg, those nannies are Christian, that's like... omg, the worst" bit of bigotry that reveals so much.

I'm not the person you're replying to, but I don't see where u/full-of-grace has said that whatsoever. I mean if you were to gather that from them simply stating the statistical fact that most of them are indeed devout (and often strict) Christians, then I don't really have much to say to you, cause you just might turn it around and put words in my mouth. I hate the overuse of the term, but that is some textbook strawmanning right there.

Also it has that odd assumption that their religion is any of your business. It's not. Whether those nannies teach anything at all, (religious or otherwise) is a matter for the parents of those children who hired the nanny not for you as "religion gatekeeper".

At any rate, ignoring your flair for the dramatic, it is a completely valid point to make in this argument. With people who are religiously strong/devout, and/or from somewhere with cast cultural differences, comes a way of thinking, a way of behaving, and a system of beliefs that do not necessarily align with the general mindset of the average Canadian. You have to remember these workers are every bit a part of these children's education and upbringing as their parents, or teachers, so what these individuals believe, what their values are, and how they behave accordingly is every bit a valid concern as it would be if they we're Canadian born workers.

Either way, I've reported your comment for Rule 2 and generally find your attitude to be pretty unwarranted.

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