FinchVPN Does not have a quality service!

I have been a FinchVPN user since end of 2014. Started with pro and continued so for 1 week, then migrated to premier and bought monthly/3months purchase. Did like that for a year. For about 3 months ago they offered additional 25% off for annual premier purchase (making in total 50% off, if monthly lets say costs 5$ then i pay instead 2.5$/month but instead of month i paid for a full year of price.).

So now i have been their loyal customer for over 15 months and i must say, they are BEST vpn provider!

I used PureVPN, PIA, SaferVPN, VyprVPN, CyberGhost VPN and many many other vpns but all of them are paying to get on internet. I occasionally by chance found finchVPN on a low accessed ranked site where a guy makes review of vpns.

Whatever i eventually saw their Android app on google play store but hesitated because they had low downloads at that time.

Anyway i experienced sure issues and i always got fast reply. Either in an hour (rarely) mostly within 36 - 48 hours (excluding weekends).

PPTP did work too for me and if you dont know how to use API for PPTP, then its YOUR fault. PPTP did work for me, anyway, you're probably used it without any knowledge, that said.

As a loyal customer all i got was extra 5 days of Premier plan, feelt kinda ashamed but im okay since prices are super low.

So, security is quite interesting, usually VPN drops mostly on many vpns i tried while with FinchVPN it dropped rarely unless i loaded the ram so fricking much that it just froze and died.

Speeds are incredible! I got 100mbits up/down and no, i cant max out my speed with ANY vpn because vpn do have encryption algorithm on-the-go resulting to lower speed. Anyway i could get up to 30-40mbps but just once or twice.

I get stable 10 - 30mbps. Tried even Singapore, Japan, China etc and i always could achieve +10mbps no matter distance, which is pretty cool.

OpenVPN configurations works flawless, their software works flawless, android app works perfect, pptp works perfect, everything is great!

Uptime of servers vary, sometimes servers die, like, i suddenly get net cut but thats super rare. Like, if i use vpn 7/24/365 on my phone and i browse videos or so for hours, then it happens like once or twice/month.

Usually switching server fixes but it gets fixed within a minute. For me it took even rarely 2 days too!

Well well, their service did work always, i never experienced ANY downtime all servers in same time and what more is they keep no logs! Only bandwidth usage stamp which gets wiped in 3 months.

I can say i even achieved +100gb/month of usage. Usually i dont need vpn but i hate the part where ISP do have data retention.

I live in sweden, and ISP here have ability to do a data retention and see everything i have done. I believe they hold data for 6 months or more, not really sure.

So, overall FinchVPN got my only heart, as their loyal customer i can guaeantee i am in no way affiliated with their service or products, i didnt got paid to write these. What i wrote here are 100% my own words and sentences i wrote with a strong will.

FinchVPN is good, unlike its big brothers like HideMyAss, CyberGhost VPN etc, more users = more problems, but i want them to achieve greater revenue for bette service, else no, i wouldnt write this to drag more customer.

Free servers are overloaded with 600 - 1500 users, so dont bother to use free ones, go for 1 week trial and experience it!

For PPTP, you must use API key instead of Password (doesnt matter if you're pro or premier!). If you use OpenVPN and you got Premier, then you can use your password instead of API (but then, you must enable "Password-for-api" function in settings.

/r/VPN Thread