FBI director takes center stage in Clinton email case

Asking for accountability from a head of State who is vying to be the next POTUS regarding issues of national security is "clowning" in your eyes because you have a political biased. It's this kind of behavior that has ruined civil discourse and dialogue amongst Americans. This has been taken very seriously by legal and technical experts all the way up to the head of the FBI and by a large demographic of the informed public. By writing this off as "clowning" you express a stance that you choose not to have a productive discussion or listen and learn from others. You have chosen to keep your head in the sand. You may be right and she may be innocent, the results of the investigation aren't public yet but by writing off the concerns of Americans and professionals more qualified to opine on the subject than you are expresses your intent to never challenge yourself or question your preconceived notions of the public officials that represent you. All that can be forgiven but the flippant attitude you take towards the very real concerns held by your peers in inexcusable.

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