Fatlogic or food for thought?

Hi. I'm not trying to stir things up further, but I would like to defend myself on those comments if that is alright. If you don't have time for this, that is fine. Just ignore this. :) I am asking for your opinion, so I can avoid this kind of situation in the future.

I was pressed several times for an opinion on her health. I answered each time, with my opinion on her physical health. (Which was that I know nothing about her physical health.) She was not interested in this response and kept pressing me. The final time she asked me about her health, I told her my opinion on her mental health based on previous comments. I did not outright call her anything, but suggested she may have a learning or personality disorder, and that it would we worth checking out. I said this in light of my responses not being read, and the assumption that I had a personal issue with her weight.

I don't consider this an insult, and to say it is would be bigoted in my opinion tbh. I have a processing disorder, and am Bipolar 1. It is not dirty or shameful. :)

If I was to outright diagnose her with something, I would have seen this as a step too far. Obviously I don't have the right to make those kind of judgements.

I was being very facetious. However I feel like over the course of the conversation, I was provoked to give this response. I believe this was the reaction she was seeking, and I gave it to her.

I absolutely was rude.

I was wondering, for the future, how close does this come to breaking the rules? I don't want to go around breaking rules but at the same time I would like to be able to speak my mind and pass judgement, especially when pressed for it.

Thank you.

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