Experienced players, what do you wish you'd have known when you started CSGO?

Game mechanics

Only shoot when standing still (you don't stand still immediatly after you stop moving, you glide for half a second or so where you will still shoot innacuratly)

Good crosshairplacement (is more important than good aim)

~~10 bullet spray control with m4 and ak (just pull down in a straight line, let recoil reset after 10 bullets, repeat)~~

Stutter stepping: If you tap the opposite strafe key when you're strafing you come to an immediate stand still instead of sliding for half a second.~~ So you can shoot accurately immediatly. (Once you master this with 10bullet recoil control, and crosshair placement, you will float through the ranks to MG2 for sure.)~~

~~Basic nades and pop flashes (ex: d2 cross, d2 ct spawn, ...)~~

~~Warm-up before you start a MM game, you'll play lots better~~

~~Know when to ~~spray~~ vs when to burst/tap (I still have difficulties with this). You'll see pro's spraying someone's head which is barely visible. Don't try to do this, just burst his head while strafing in between.~~

Playing smart

~~Positioning (Be sure you can't get shot in your side when you're holding an angle. You will have to learn how to position yourself on each spot on each map)~~

~~A 2v1 is better than 2x1v1. The enemy can hardly shoot at two enemies at once, while he can shoot at one enemy and an other enemy when the first is dead.~~

~~Don't rotate when your teammates don't need help. Rotate when you spot the bomb. Play a different spot as CT every round (don't be predictable)~~

~~When pushing someone or someplace, push with at least 2 people so you can get a trade frag if the first dies.~~

~~ Don't be a little pussy and all stay behind when someone dies, you'll get boxed in and killed one by one. (For example, full team on t-side sitting in pit)~~

When walking silently into a site and they spot you, stop walking, it has no use anymore, just rush the shit out of them

~~ Don't run by a teammate, loud as fuck, when he's walking somewhere.~~

Try to make use of a good spawn. (For example: if you spawned close to long on d2 and you got an awp, don't pick mid, go long and pick there)

In a 1v1 as T, and you have enough time to plant the bomb safely. Plant it in a spot so you can safely peek it when the CT is defusing (planting for tunnels on b-site d2 for example). Same thing goes for CT's retaking a site: think about where the bomb is planted and the T is most likely hiding.

I crossed off the ones that are unnecessary for you to get to Legendary Eagle or LEM, based on what I have seen in match making.

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