Excerpt Exchange: Prophecies and Dreams

Prophecies and dreams? What about a prophecy in a dream????

The world all around them went up in flames.

It was a most peculiar fire. Green rather than orange or red. It surrounded them on all sides. The fire burned and moved the air as it raged. The roar and crackle of it was distant in his mind.

Suddenly, the specter's face was mere inches from his own. His single eye was blazing with a blue light. The intensity and solemnity of that gaze stole the words out of his mouth.

When he spoke again, Hector had no choice but to listen in rapt attention.

He'll teach you to fly in the days to come.

And you'll stop them before they start.

He'll weave with pestilence, fear, and dreams.

And you'll tear their minds apart.

He'll bask in the heat of a blazing fire,

forge an alliance of ten regions.

But the flames will rage from dusk to dawn.

And united, you'll burn legions.

He'll make you so tall you touch the stars,

to charge through ash and soot.

You'll stand above the Kings and Queens

and crush them underfoot.

He dances with machines of another time,

and beasts of his own making.

You'll charge the line of crumbling hope,

and feel all mankind quaking.

He'll call down lightning from the sky,

and laugh with the boom of thunder.

You'll bring that force, the raging storm,

and tear the world asunder.

He released the front of Hector's cloak.

Hector had just long enough to see the man's single eye lose its heat and intensity.

The sorcerer's expression flickered into one of pity for a single instant before the vision faded.

/r/FanFiction Thread