”You dont know kung fu?!”

Cancel culture is just culling the herd of cash cows.

Ever noticed that only some people get in trouble and other’s seem to be untouchable?

Jared Leto, Amber Heard, Chris Brown, won’t get cancelled until PR and legal fees cost more than the money they bring in.

It’s why R. Kelly or Marylin Manson got cancelled after the shows stopped making money even though allegations against both was public knowledge for decades.

Obviously there are exceptions. This culling is more of a convenience for studio and management companies to not only cleanly break from potentially risky contracts but, to be praised in the process. These people who make the decisions in the entertainment industry know full damn well what their clients are doing and even pay to cover it up.

I bet you, when a celebrity is trending to be cancelled on twitter...some of these companies are actually amplifying the buzz against their own talent if that person has been too much of a risk for their bottom line.

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